Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Select Sorghum Brans

Considering certain varieties of sorghum are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, this study evaluated the anti-inflammatory actions of extracts of certain sorghum brans in to experimental inflammatory systems. Distinguishing a correlation between anti-inflammatory activity of the bran and the phenolic content and antioxidants, this study concluded that select sorghum bran has anti-inflammatory properties.


Burdette, A., Garner, P.L., Mayer, E.P., Hargrove, J.L., Hartle, D.K., & Greenspan, P. (2010) Anti-inflammatory activity of select sorghum brans. Journal of Medicinal Food, 13(4), 879-887.

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<% u.each(connections, function(e,i,l){ classes = ''; industry = 'Industry'; industry_list = ''; if(e.distance){ miles = e.distance.distance == 1 ? 'mile' : 'miles'; } if(e.categories){ if(e.categories.length > 1){ industry = 'Industries'; } _.each(e.categories, function(f,j,k){ if(categories[f]) industry_list += categories[f].category_name + ", "; }); industry_list = industry_list.slice(0,-2); } %>

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' : '' %> <% }); } %> <%= ( ? 'Website: ' + + '' : '' %>

<%= industry %>: <%= industry_list %>

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<% }); %>