Celiac disease: In vitro and in vivo safety and palatability of wheat-free sorghum food products

Celiac disease impacts predisposed individuals who have an autoimmune reaction to gluten. To assess whether sorghum is an option for those affected by gluten, this study examined the safety and tolerability of sorghum flour products on adult celiac patients. The results showed the sorghum proteins tested did not inflict any autoimmune reactions from the celiac patients indicating sorghum is a safe alternative for people with celiac disease.


Carolina, C., Luigi, M., Caporaso, N., Bucci, C., Giudice, L.D., Massardod, D.R., Pontieri, P., Fonzo, N.D., Bean, S.R., Loerger, B., & Londei, M. (2007). Celiac disease: In vitro and in vivo safety and palatability of wheat-free sorghum food products. Clinical Nutrition, 26(6), 799-805.

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<%= (e.distance) ? '

Distance: ' + e.distance.distance + ' ' + miles + ' from zip

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<% if(e.contacts){ u.each(e.contacts, function(f,j,k){%> <%= (f.name) ? '

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' + f.phone + '

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<%= industry %>: <%= industry_list %>

<%= (e.description) ? e.description + ' ' : '' %>
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