Sorghum-Inspired Beverages You’ll Want to Sip On All Fall

Sorghum is an excellent staple to include in an array of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But did you know sorghum can also be used in some of your favorite beverages, too? With many forms of sorghum, such as whole grain and syrup, the possibilities of mixing up a deliciously creative beverage are endless.

Adding whole grain sorghum to a smoothie can amp up the protein and fiber content while adding a rich texture. Sweet sorghum on the other hand can be used like traditional sweeteners to add a sweet kick to your favorite cocktails. From fall ciders and smoothies to tea and horchata, you can formulate a tasty refreshment your tastebuds will be happy to sip on.

Adult Fall Beverages

Ready to mix up a glass of a delectable sorghum drink recipe? Here are some of our favorite adult sorghum beverages to spice things up this fall.

Twisted Sorghum Cider

This Twisted Sorghum Cider is a fall favorite! It is a sweet treat to warm up cool, crisp evenings spent spent relaxing in the back yard.

Twisted Sorghum Cider

Fallen Apple

The Fallen Apple from Saveur makes the perfect party drink for any fall festivity. 

Fallen Apple*Image credit: Matt Taylor-Gross, Saveur

Beverages for the Whole Family

These kid-friendly drinks will be a hit for the whole family! Try getting the kids involved in making them.


Sip on the cinnamon and vanilla flavors of this delightful Horchata from Hugo's restaurant made with sorghum! It's a refreshing beverage for any day of the week. 


Salted Decadence Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie

Sorghum is a great source of energy, fiber and protein and who doesn’t love chocolate for breakfast? Give your kids this Salted Decadance Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie from Katie Cavuto that will help fuel them throughout the day! 

Salted Decadence Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie*Image credit: Katie Cavuto

Cornbread Sorghum Milkshake

If you are from the South, cornbread is most likely a staple at dinner. Combine cornbread, sorghum and ice cream into this sweet evening treat for the kids from Serious Eats. 

Cornbread Sorghum Milkshake*Image credit: Grant Cornett, Serious Eats
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