

Sorghum is an extremely versatile grain that you can service like rice or quinoa, but has so many more options! With whole and pearled grain, flour, syrup, bran, flake and more, sorghum is an ingredient you can get creative with. Boil it, pop it, bake it — get inspired by sorghum and add a new twist to your favorite meals. Sorghum is great for breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks everyone will love.


Sorghum grain is packed full of the nutrients you need to stay healthy.

  • Protein provides the building blocks for bone, muscle, skin and enzyme development
  • Iron strengthens the immune system and oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood
  • Vitamin B6 is integral in synthesizing antibodies and enhancing nerve function
  • Niacin provides improved blood circulation
  • Magnesium aids in calcium absorption and body temperature regulation
  • Phosphorus helps form healthy bones

Easy to use

You can cook sorghum grain using your stovetop, slow cooker, oven, rice cooker or whatever option you prefer to prepare your favorite meals. Plus, sorghum can be frozen and reheated without losing its great taste.


Fuel your body with a high-energy grain. Sorghum contains 10 percent protein, nearly 75 percent complex carbohydrates and is rich in Vitamin B6 which helps you feel fuller longer and power you through your day.


Certain types of sorghum grain are rich in antioxidants, which may help lower your risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and some neurological diseases.

celiac safe

One in 133 Americans has celiac disease and requires a gluten-free diet. Sorghum is naturally gluten-free and safe for people who suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

digestive health

Sorghum grain provides an excellent source of dietary fiber, which greatly improves digestive health.

Blood Pressure

High in potassium and low in sodium, sorghum grain promotes healthy blood pressure.

American grown

Sorghum grain is grown right here in America. When you buy sorghum, you’re supporting U.S. farmers and the economy.


Because sorghum grain uses less water to grow, it’s good for you and the environment.

For Health Professionals

Give your clients the facts about what sorghum has to offer. Find helpful resources outlining health benefits, nutrition research, and more.

View Client Handouts

View Health Research 

Nutritionist Recipes

Have a special dietary need or looking for healthy, dietitian-submitted recipes?

View Recipe Library

Partner With Us

Are you a product manufacturer seeking ways to use sorghum in your products or a chef looking to promote sorghum on your menu? If so, the Sorghum Checkoff offers co-branding opportunities that may benefit your business. 

Let's Talk

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