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Sorghum Research for Health Professionals | Simply Sorghum

Health Professional Client Handouts

Client Handouts

Give your clients the facts about what sorghum has to offer. Find helpful resources outlining health benefits, nutrition research, and more.

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Sorghum grain can offer your clients smart choices for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks. Check out our informative resources about nutrition research, learn the forms of sorghum used in foods, try our healthy recipes and read what nutritionists have to say about sorghum.

For Health Professionals

Interested in more? Check out additional resources about the health benefits of sorghum.

View Nutrition Research

<% u.each(connections, function(e,i,l){ classes = ''; industry = 'Industry'; industry_list = ''; if(e.distance){ miles = e.distance.distance == 1 ? 'mile' : 'miles'; } if(e.categories){ if(e.categories.length > 1){ industry = 'Industries'; } _.each(e.categories, function(f,j,k){ if(categories[f]) industry_list += categories[f].category_name + ", "; }); industry_list = industry_list.slice(0,-2); } %>

<%= (e.company) ? e.company : e.contact %>

<%= (e.distance) ? '

Distance: ' + e.distance.distance + ' ' + miles + ' from zip

' : '' %>
<% if(e.contacts){ u.each(e.contacts, function(f,j,k){%> <%= (f.name) ? '

' + f.name + '

' : '' %> <%= (f.email) ? 'Email this connection' : '' %> <%= (f.phone) ? '

' + f.phone + '

' : '' %> <% }); } %> <%= (e.website) ? 'Website: ' + e.website + '' : '' %>

<%= industry %>: <%= industry_list %>

<%= (e.description) ? e.description + ' ' : '' %>
<% if(e.address) { %> View on map <% } %> <%= (e.website) ? 'Visit Website' : '' %>
<% }); %>